Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Be Afraid

Yes, you have a problem if you see this many rat droppings in one area of your restaurant's basement.

As I have said before and will say again, mice leave behind a lot more droppings than rats do, so if you see this amount of fresh rat droppings you have a lot of rats coming into your area.

The black void on the right side of the photo is a trap that leads down to a pipe.  The restaurant people had laid a big board over the trap and put a heavy piece of equipment on top.  The rats were still able to find their way in.

Exclusion is an important part of rat control.  We actually went down into the trap and sealed up the pipes with wire mesh that had been treated with repellants.  You have to fight fire with fire, and you have to fight big rat doodoo with something that is equally heavy duty.

Each one of these rat droppings can be full of deadly disease and harmful pathogens.  And, every single one of them can be a violation point against your restaurant when the DOH comes in to inspect.  And what's even worse is that each and every dropping clashes with those new curtains I just hung up.

When dealing with rats, you have to out think, out smart, and out run them.

I know you can do it.

Ew york city will probably be back a few more times this week.

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