Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Funky Fresh

This might not mean much to non-PMPs.

This rodenticide bait looks good at first glance.

However, it's years old, and therefore, not very attractive to rodents.

PMPs need to make sure they are keeping the rodent bait very fresh to give them no excuse to bypass the bait stations.

That's all for today.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sleepy in Chelsea

Was just walking down the street and saw this fella tuckered out in the flower bed.

Obviously some rodenticide got to him and he died peacefully in his sleep.

In a few hours he started to smell like a dead rat, so that's unfortunate.

Ew York City will be back soon.  Stay col

Friday, July 24, 2015

Holey Bugs

Bed bugs seem to love these holes in the wood of people's beds.

It might not be the worst idea in the world to take the time to close up all these potential harborage sites.

The dark spots are bed bug droppings.

This frame is available on Craigs list for $50.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Run Forrest Run

Nobody would want to see this crawling up their leg while waiting for their entree to show up.

These nice big long-legged centipedes are really something.

They don't seem too bright, and when they run onto a glue board, their legs get pulled right out by the dozens.

They don't seem to mind losing a few legs here and there, but then again I don't speak centipede so I can't be sure.

These are just one of those things that reminds you that you live in a world teeming with all sorts of life forms.

and that you pay me to kill them off.

Ew York City will be back next week.  Keep running.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Drain of Doom

Just a little peek into the average bar drain.

All that dark matter on the inside of the drain is... well, dark matter of some kind.

It's probably related to the fermentation in the booze, as well as bits and pieces of the hot wings and stuffed peppers.

If you're seeing flies in your bar, you can bet that these drains aren't helping matters.

They're helping dark matters.

Ew York City will be back Wednesday.  It's summer so I'm taking it a little on the easy side.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Moths Cometh

This old rug next to a rusty pipe in the basement of a building led to a major moth problem for numerous apartments.

Cause and Effect.

Happy Independence Day to all my faithful readers at Ew York City.

If you have nothing else to do, clean out your basement.