Thursday, November 5, 2015

The tracks of my tears

Why do you hate me?

Because you don't like the way I look?

You don't like my physical appearance?

You were brought up to hate me?

You don't like my language, my behavior, my beliefs, my proximity to you?

Why must you kill me?

Is it just because you don't understand me?

Because you decided I'm not beautiful?

Because you believe you're better than me?


Why do you have to hate?

Why can't you change, evolve, grow - to love me, at least to tolerate me?

I mean you no harm.

We are all God's creatures.

Maybe, starting with you, something new, something beautiful, something wonderful can happen, can begin:

The sprouting of a new peaceful friendship where once there was only pain and suffering.

Ew York City will be back next week

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