Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Not an ink spot

Come here.

Look closely.



(just get a little bit closer).

What do you see?

You don't see it?  You can't see ?!

Well, don't worry.  There's nothing to see but some dust, dirt, hair, etc.

This happens not infrequently actually.  People are convinced they have bugs, and they might, but when it comes time for them to produce their specimen, they pull out a napkin with lint, crumbs, boogers, dandruff, who knows what else?  But it's not bed bugs, and it's actually not any kind of bugs.

Sometimes I'll use the phrase "head bugs," and I dont' mean it to sound like I'm making fun of someone, but the bug idea enters into our mind long before the actually bug enters into our range of senses.  That isn't to say there aren't more bugs around us than we realize.  It's just that there is a part of us that wants to believe we've found something.  And so we march up to the exterminator and hand him a zip lock bag full of pocket lint and say "There!  Are you happy?!  Now bomb my bedroom!!!"

A visual inspection is so important.  Make sure you get a positive identification whenever possible. False peace is not true peace.

Hope you had a good Labor Day.  Ew York City will be back tomorrow.

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