Here's another perfect example of how a cleaning crew can get the easy spots but miss things that are harder.
This restaurant kitchen was really clean, except behind the legs of the appliances, where it was filthy dirty nasty cruddy.
Again, I get it. You're busy. They're busy. Business is busy. Life's busy. Bees are busy. Beavers are busy. The squeegie guy is busy. Your third grade art teacher was busy. The guy leaning against you on the train is busy. The middle-aged diner waitress with the T-shirt that says "I'm busy" is busy. So yes, everybody is busy.
But so are pests! And if you leave them anything like what you see in the picture above, they will get even busier, overnight even.
So the plan is, schedule occasional but regular deep cleanings; once a week, once every other week, etc., so that you are regularly getting to all these spots.
Because life is too busy to be too busy...
Ew york city might be back tomorrow.
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