As our story comes to close, we are reminded that an intruder has made his way into your home. He has left droppings and urine in various areas. He has several entry points wherein he gains access to your house. So how do we deal with this?
First, as you can see above, we close the entry points. This is called exclusion. In this case, cement would have been great, but there were some obstacles to using it. Instead, we used steal wool and lathered it with rodent repellant. We also filled each hole with rodenticide (veneno para ratons primo!) and gave that time to work. But there's one other thing we did:
Nothing like a good old fashioned rat snap trap to get the job done. Baited it with your favorite candy bar, and set a bunch of them around. The fact that we closed all the holes but still caught big daddy on a snapper indicates either 1) we missed a hole, or 2) big rat boy was hiding in the apt somewhere, maybe under the baby's crib or somewhere.
Intruders intrude. It's what they do. We've got to be prepared to defend against them at all times. What are you doing to protect your home from the intruder?
Ew York City will be back
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